Friday, April 2, 2010

February & March Camps

2 out of our 5 characters have left the corps. Still trying to find a way to make them apart of this documentary. It'd be nice to get an outside point of view on the whole experience.

We have found a replacement member to follow, and the other spot is still up in the air. Recently, my optimism in this project has grown, and I think it was fueled by seeing that Blue Devils doc called "11 1/2 Minutes." It was only a half hour long, but in that time, I felt they did a decent job at getting the point across. I could tell that most of the content took place on tour (obviously, since that's the most interesting part of the experience) so I've been able to relax a little more and not be so worried as I have been about the now. And after watching it, there has been this little voice in the back of my head is saying "You have a better story to tell. You can do better than that." Throw me on a bus. I'm ready to go.

Video is looking good. Audio is sounding great, but could, and will be getting better. Mixing the two together is a dorky fascination of mine. Mixing mastered audio to video that has less-than-decent audio totally changes the way you view the image. I'm going to be pretty happy once that stage rolls around later down the line.

Another thing that just recently came up: buying the rights to the corps music that will be played in the video. It's a large sum of money that we didn't account for, but the good news is it all depends on how much we use, so we don't need to really deal with it until the doc is finished.

Thinking of some poster ideas for the film. Need a large white backdrop. Maybe another trip to Joanne's is in order? haha If anyone has any white photo backdrops, let me know!

Compositing multiple shots into one has been a new technique I've been experimenting with to get a great looking shot. Sometimes what your shot looks like in the camera isn't always what you're stuck with. I'll be sure to post some examples soon. Shots that have double the dynamic range of a usual shot? Yes please.

Donations are slowly dwindling down. They are becoming a less frequent occurrence, but I'm not worried too much. I think we're creating quality stuff with the equipment that we have, but it can definitely improve with these 2 little things.

2 of these monitors

And 2 of these hard drives -

We need 2 of each, and obviously we're going to need to raise quite a bit of money to do so. If there is any way you can help us get these items, let us know! Remember everybody, you can donate to us by scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on the large yellow donate button!

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